Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Starting a New Semester in TTC

I withdrew as a student of Trinity Theological College almost 5 months ago. Time flies, and now here I am, being an M.Th student again at TTC.

Last semester, I enrolled in "NT Text and Canon" class. It had just started for a month or so when I knew that I couldn't continue my study. By the kindness of my lecturer, Prof. Tan Kim Huat, I was allowed to continue attending his lectures to the end of semester (even though they have to be held in Coffee Bean)! I am touched by his kindness and commitment to teach.

This semester I am taking "Paul as Missionary in Acts". I thought that I would do nothing related to Paul in my M.Th program because "NT Text and Canon" should be my last course before the guided study. By the grace of God, I now have a chance to study Paul. Knowing that I am thinking of writing my thesis on the Gospel of John, some people said that I should start doing something on John by now, not on Paul. But I am happy with this. I have done a course on NT background (Ancient Texts for NT Studies), another course on NT Text and Canon (though I didn't write a paper for that). And now I get the chance to study Paul before continue to John. Studying these 2 giant apostles is a must for all NT students. So that's wonderful, no need to change it!

Beside that M.Th course, I am also auditing an undergrad's class: NT Exegesis. I don't have to submit any paper for this one but I really want to put much effort on it.

That's all, 2 courses, should be more than enough to fill up all the lacunas in my schedule.

At the same time, my ministry in GKY Singapore is not getting easier, indeed it is getting tougher. More ministry to do, more people to pastor, more things to pray for. Yet somehow I am confident that I can still manage my time. I will try my best to choose what to do and not to do and also try to be more discipline (fiuhh.. this will be tough).

I pray that this present semester, with all the difficulties and unpredictable things that I have to deal with, will not lead me to the 'grave' but lead me closer to God. May God's presence and help be always tangible for me.